After reading some of the wonderful contemporary translations
of the Odyssey you all have made -- including one where
Telemachus brushes his teeth -- I have decided to get my
hands dirty, too, with a translation. That was "hands" I said.
Anyway, I remember a scene where Odysseus has been washed
ashore naked after a shipwreck and is found by a beautiful
princess and her ladies-in-waiting while they are bathing.
Quite the moment!
Pope and Butler record one moment as follows:
Alexander Pope:
To them the king: "No longer I detain
Your friendly care: retire, ye virgin train!
Retire, while from my wearied limbs I lave
The foul pollution of the briny wave.
Ye gods! since this worn frame refection know,
What scenes have I surveyed of dreadful view!
But, nymphs, recede! sage chastity denies
To raise the blush, or pain the modest eyes."
Samuel Butler
But Ulysses said,
"Young women, please to stand a little on one side that
I may wash the brine from my shoulders and anoint myself
with oil, for it is long enough since my skin has had a
drop of oil upon it. I cannot wash as long as you
all keep standing there. I am ashamed to strip before a
number of good-looking young women."
Excuse me, ladies. I hope you don't mind looking
The other way while I stand up out of the water,
To wash off the, uhm, salt.
Come on now, don't just stand there staring,
A little privacy, please.
After all my battles and surviving the shipwreck
I'd like a hot shower and shave.
Some Calvin Kline "Eternity" cologne and lotion...
Say, didn't I mention looking away?